Letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Roberta Metsol:
Letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Roberta Metsol:
Letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Roberta Metsol:
I got familiar with your resolution on January 19, 2020 concerning the Lachin Corridor of Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan. At first, I thought that the former vice-president of the European Parliament, a corruptible MP from Greece, received millions from Armenians and adopted this resolution. Then I remembered that no, this Member of Parliament, Mrs. Eva Kaili, had already been arrested and charged with corruption. I would like to remind you that the Tripartite Statement was signed on November 10, not on November 9. You do not know the date of signing the Tripartite Statement, but you are talking about it. Now let's pass on to the last resolution you adopted. I will respond to this resolution point by point.
1. Deplores the tragic humanitarian consequences of the blockade of the Lachin Corridor and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict:
Firstly, the Lachin Corridor is not under blockade, and 120,000 Armenians have never lived there. This is a historical falsification of Armenians. Currently, 20,000 Armenians live in Karabakh. The humanitarian crisis in the Lachin Corridor is the gambit of an Armenian swindler named Ruben Vardanyan, who was sent from Russia to Karabakh and is trying to protect his billions from European sanctions. The problem of gas, medicines and food for the inhabitants of Armenia is beside the point of Lachin Corridor. This is false information of the so-called regime in Karabakh. It would be good if you would correctly pronounce the name of the region on the territory of Azerbaijan. This is not Nagorno-Karabakh, but the Karabakh Economic Region.
2. Urges Azerbaijan to respect and implement the trilateral statement of 9 November 2020 and immediately reopen the Lachin Corridor to enable freedom of movement and ensure access to essential goods and services, thus guaranteeing security in the region and safeguarding residents’ livelihoods:
I urge you to carefully read the Tripartite Statement signed on November 10, 2020. Why? Because it was not written in the Tripartite Statement that the Armenians should pass mines, weapons and ammunition through this corridor and kill the citizens of Azerbaijan. As you mentioned, this corridor is for humanitarian use. Since the signing of the declaration in 2020, hundreds of Azerbaijani citizens have died in 2021 from mines produced in Armenia. These roads were cleared of mines after the war. This means that the Lachin Corridor is necessary for the Armenians to transport weapons. Who created these conditions for them? "Russian peacekeepers".
3. Underlines the need for a peace agreement, which must guarantee the rights and security of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population; calls on Azerbaijan to protect the rights of Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh and refrain from its inflammatory rhetoric that calls for discrimination against Armenians and urges Armenians to leave Nagorno-Karabakh:
The rights and security of the Karabakh Armenians are an internal affair of Azerbaijan. They are citizens of Azerbaijan, after the 2020 Tripartite Statement, Azerbaijan put forward 5 basic principles for normalization of relations with Armenia. This meeting was a four-way meeting between European Union Council President Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. At this meeting, Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. However, after this meeting, the irresponsible interview of the President of France about Azerbaijan on a French channel, Emmanuel Macron's bias shown to the side of Armenia instead of neutrality made these meetings upside and down. Meetings of Europe in Strasbourg and Prague, meetings of America in Washington and Russia in Sochi once again show that you do not want to ensure peace and security in Karabakh, but simply demonstrate your political muscle in the Caucasus. Thus, with your inadequate decisions, you prevent the solution of the problem fundamentally.
4. Urges Azerbaijan to refrain from undermining the functioning of transport, energy and communication connections between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in future;
Indeed, in the Tripartite Statement of November 10, 2020, it was not mentioned that the Armenians would steal the subsoil resources belonging to Azerbaijan from Karabakh and sell them abroad, that is, to you, through the Lachin Corridor. When you say transport, communications, do you mean these crimes? The Lachin Corridor should only be used for humanitarian purposes. Armenians smuggle weapons and ammunition through the Lachin Corridor, steal Azerbaijani minerals and take them to Armenia.
5. Strongly condemns Azerbaijan’s scapegoating of human rights defenders and CSOs and calls on EU and Member State representations to support their work:
International organizations and you yourself are not well welcomed by the Azerbaijani people because of the biased resolutions you passed in the European Parliament. We have been saying for 2 years that the Armenians are transferring weapons through the Lachin Corridor. You don't make any decisions. Armenians steal subsoil and surface resources and sell them abroad through the Lachin Corridor. You still don't pay attention. After all, the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan wants to conduct monitoring there, and they tried twice, but still do not allow it. Azerbaijani eco-activists show the whole world that Armenian separatists, who poison the environment, illegally steal Azerbaijan's wealth and sell it abroad. I can also write you the names of these companies:
1.Switherland "Base Metals" "Vallex Group"
4.Armenia "Armenian Copper Programme"
5.Canada "Sterlite Gold"
"First Dynesty Mines"
6.USA "Global Gold"
7.Russia "Geopro Mayning"
"Company Gold "
8.India "Vedanta Resourcess"
6. Condemns the inaction of Russian ‘peacekeepers’; considers that their replacement with OSCE international peacekeepers, under a UN mandate, should be negotiated urgently:
Firstly, Russian peacekeeping contingent shares all weapons and ammunition, as well as subsoil resources passed by the Armenians through the Lachin Corridor. Let me also tell you that after 2 and a half years, the time of Russian peacekeepers will end. According to the 2020 Tripartite Statement, if one of the parties refuses in 4 months, this will lead to the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region. Of course, Azerbaijan will do it first. Secondly, if you want the Russian peacekeepers to leave and be handed over to the OSCE peacekeepers? You're in the wrong! Because instead of solving this issue together with Russia for 30 years in the OSCE-Minsk group, you wanted to formalize the occupation of Armenia in the interests of the Armenians. In 2020, Azerbaijan liberated its lands from occupation in accordance with the principles of international law. Although 4 resolutions of the UN Security Council were adopted, pro-Armenian-minded people like you did not allow them to be implemented. In 2020, Azerbaijan ended the occupation in response to the Armenian attack. No one can enter the territory of Azerbaijan without the permission of Azerbaijan. If you have such courage, send it to Ukraine, Crimea or Donbass.
7. Calls for international organizations to be granted unimpeded access to Nagorno-Karabakh to assess the situation and provide the necessary humanitarian assistance;
After all, when Karabakh had been under occupation of Armenians for 30 years, you were engaged in formalization of occupation by drinking wine with those Armenians. How do you rule Europe and the world with this conscience? After all, does an institution that has not tried to return 1 million Azerbaijanis to their land in 30 years have the right to talk about human rights and a humanitarian crisis? Of course not! You defend the rights of Armenians who love the scene where a skinned Azerbaijani being fed to an Armenian dog by Armenians in Karabakh. After all, you have been to Karabakh many times in 30 years. There were only Armenians there. Have you ever made a decision where are the 1 million Azerbaijanis who fled from Karabakh? Of course not. What are you doing there now?
8. Calls for a UN or OSCE fact-finding mission to the Lachin Corridor to assess the humanitarian situation on the ground;
Firstly, the Lachin Corridor is the territory of Azerbaijan. It concerns the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The Red Cross Society and Russian peacekeepers freely provide the necessary humanitarian aid from the Lachin Corridor. You should go to Armenia, which has blockaded Nakhchivan for 30 years, and ensure the opening of the Zangezur Corridor. In the Tripartite Statement of 2020 that you mentioned, Armenia took this responsibility. But it does not fulfill it, despite the fact that more than 2 years have passed. But while the Lachin Corridor is open, you make inappropriate resolutions and torment the people of Azerbaijan.
9. Calls for the urgent resumption, without preconditions, of negotiations based on the principles of the Helsinki Final Act;
Helsinki Final Act was signed by the participants of the All-European Conference on August 1, 1975. According to the Final Act, the participants of the Conference should be guided by 10 basic principles. The Republic of Azerbaijan signed this Act in 1992. I have made a point of duty to bring these 10 principles to your attention. On August 1, 1975, the participants of the All-European Conference in Helsinki signed its Final Act. According to this Final Act, the participants in the debate were to be guided by 10 basic principles:
1)Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty.
2) Refraining from the threat or use of force.
3) Inviolability of frontiers.
4) Territorial integrity of states.
5)Peaceful settlement of disputes.
6)Non-intervention in internal affairs.
7) Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.
8) Equal rights and self-determination of peoples.
9) Co-operation among States.
10) Fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law.
If you respect the 10 principles of the Helsinki Final Act, then you must recognize that Karabakh is also an internal affair of Azerbaijan, which is clearly reflected in those 10 principles, and you should refrain from making inappropriate statements. You must respect the norms of international law.
10. Urges the EU to be actively involved and ensure that the inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh are no longer held hostage by Baku’s activism, Russia’s destructive role and the Minsk Group’s inactivity:
Firstly, the residents of Karabakh you mentioned are citizens of Azerbaijan. At the meeting in Prague, the Armenian side recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Charles Michel and Macron were one of the parties to this meeting. “The residents of Karabakh” you use should either integrate into Azerbaijan and become citizens of Azerbaijan, or choose Armenia. When you say “the residents of Karabakh”, you mean only Armenians, so why don't you talk about Azerbaijanis? You have been participating in the destructive role of Russia in Europe for 30 years already. The reason for lasting of Karabakh problem is the irresponsibility of 3 members of OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, America and France. You were given a mandate to resolve the Karabakh problem, but you have been engaging in taking part of occupier for 30 years. You have maintained the status quo for the benefit of the Armenians. Azerbaijan ended the occupation in 2020.
11. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Council of Europe and the Presidents, Governments and Parliaments of Armenia and Azerbaijan:
Surprisingly, not a word was written in this resolution about Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijan for 30 years and sold its subsoil and land-based resources to Europe, America and Russia. You note that Russia invaded the territory of Ukraine and occupied Crimea and Donbas and you defend Ukraine. We also support you. But the Armenians committed the same incident in Karabakh on the territory of Azerbaijan. Why didn't you consider Armenians as occupiers for these 30 years? The Armenians did the same in Azerbaijan thing that Russia did in Ukraine and Georgia. The Azerbaijani people relate your resolutions with Christian love for the Armenians. Don't trouble yourself to send it. This resolution is necessary only for you and the Armenians who got it written by you, no one but you.
Asaf Askar
Letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Roberta Metsol:
Letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Roberta Metsol:
I got familiar with your resolution on January 19, 2020 concerning the Lachin Corridor of Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan. At first, I thought that the former vice-president of the European Parliament, a corruptible MP from Greece, received millions from Armenians and adopted this resolution. Then I remembered that no, this Member of Parliament, Mrs. Eva Kaili, had already been arrested and charged with corruption. I would like to remind you that the Tripartite Statement was signed on November 10, not on November 9. You do not know the date of signing the Tripartite Statement, but you are talking about it. Now let's pass on to the last resolution you adopted. I will respond to this resolution point by point.
1. Deplores the tragic humanitarian consequences of the blockade of the Lachin Corridor and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict:
Firstly, the Lachin Corridor is not under blockade, and 120,000 Armenians have never lived there. This is a historical falsification of Armenians. Currently, 20,000 Armenians live in Karabakh. The humanitarian crisis in the Lachin Corridor is the gambit of an Armenian swindler named Ruben Vardanyan, who was sent from Russia to Karabakh and is trying to protect his billions from European sanctions. The problem of gas, medicines and food for the inhabitants of Armenia is beside the point of Lachin Corridor. This is false information of the so-called regime in Karabakh. It would be good if you would correctly pronounce the name of the region on the territory of Azerbaijan. This is not Nagorno-Karabakh, but the Karabakh Economic Region.
2. Urges Azerbaijan to respect and implement the trilateral statement of 9 November 2020 and immediately reopen the Lachin Corridor to enable freedom of movement and ensure access to essential goods and services, thus guaranteeing security in the region and safeguarding residents’ livelihoods:
I urge you to carefully read the Tripartite Statement signed on November 10, 2020. Why? Because it was not written in the Tripartite Statement that the Armenians should pass mines, weapons and ammunition through this corridor and kill the citizens of Azerbaijan. As you mentioned, this corridor is for humanitarian use. Since the signing of the declaration in 2020, hundreds of Azerbaijani citizens have died in 2021 from mines produced in Armenia. These roads were cleared of mines after the war. This means that the Lachin Corridor is necessary for the Armenians to transport weapons. Who created these conditions for them? "Russian peacekeepers".
3. Underlines the need for a peace agreement, which must guarantee the rights and security of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population; calls on Azerbaijan to protect the rights of Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh and refrain from its inflammatory rhetoric that calls for discrimination against Armenians and urges Armenians to leave Nagorno-Karabakh:
The rights and security of the Karabakh Armenians are an internal affair of Azerbaijan. They are citizens of Azerbaijan, after the 2020 Tripartite Statement, Azerbaijan put forward 5 basic principles for normalization of relations with Armenia. This meeting was a four-way meeting between European Union Council President Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. At this meeting, Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. However, after this meeting, the irresponsible interview of the President of France about Azerbaijan on a French channel, Emmanuel Macron's bias shown to the side of Armenia instead of neutrality made these meetings upside and down. Meetings of Europe in Strasbourg and Prague, meetings of America in Washington and Russia in Sochi once again show that you do not want to ensure peace and security in Karabakh, but simply demonstrate your political muscle in the Caucasus. Thus, with your inadequate decisions, you prevent the solution of the problem fundamentally.
4. Urges Azerbaijan to refrain from undermining the functioning of transport, energy and communication connections between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in future;
Indeed, in the Tripartite Statement of November 10, 2020, it was not mentioned that the Armenians would steal the subsoil resources belonging to Azerbaijan from Karabakh and sell them abroad, that is, to you, through the Lachin Corridor. When you say transport, communications, do you mean these crimes? The Lachin Corridor should only be used for humanitarian purposes. Armenians smuggle weapons and ammunition through the Lachin Corridor, steal Azerbaijani minerals and take them to Armenia.
5. Strongly condemns Azerbaijan’s scapegoating of human rights defenders and CSOs and calls on EU and Member State representations to support their work:
International organizations and you yourself are not well welcomed by the Azerbaijani people because of the biased resolutions you passed in the European Parliament. We have been saying for 2 years that the Armenians are transferring weapons through the Lachin Corridor. You don't make any decisions. Armenians steal subsoil and surface resources and sell them abroad through the Lachin Corridor. You still don't pay attention. After all, the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan wants to conduct monitoring there, and they tried twice, but still do not allow it. Azerbaijani eco-activists show the whole world that Armenian separatists, who poison the environment, illegally steal Azerbaijan's wealth and sell it abroad. I can also write you the names of these companies:
1.Switherland "Base Metals" "Vallex Group"
4.Armenia "Armenian Copper Programme"
5.Canada "Sterlite Gold"
"First Dynesty Mines"
6.USA "Global Gold"
7.Russia "Geopro Mayning"
"Company Gold "
8.India "Vedanta Resourcess"
6. Condemns the inaction of Russian ‘peacekeepers’; considers that their replacement with OSCE international peacekeepers, under a UN mandate, should be negotiated urgently:
Firstly, Russian peacekeeping contingent shares all weapons and ammunition, as well as subsoil resources passed by the Armenians through the Lachin Corridor. Let me also tell you that after 2 and a half years, the time of Russian peacekeepers will end. According to the 2020 Tripartite Statement, if one of the parties refuses in 4 months, this will lead to the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region. Of course, Azerbaijan will do it first. Secondly, if you want the Russian peacekeepers to leave and be handed over to the OSCE peacekeepers? You're in the wrong! Because instead of solving this issue together with Russia for 30 years in the OSCE-Minsk group, you wanted to formalize the occupation of Armenia in the interests of the Armenians. In 2020, Azerbaijan liberated its lands from occupation in accordance with the principles of international law. Although 4 resolutions of the UN Security Council were adopted, pro-Armenian-minded people like you did not allow them to be implemented. In 2020, Azerbaijan ended the occupation in response to the Armenian attack. No one can enter the territory of Azerbaijan without the permission of Azerbaijan. If you have such courage, send it to Ukraine, Crimea or Donbass.
7. Calls for international organizations to be granted unimpeded access to Nagorno-Karabakh to assess the situation and provide the necessary humanitarian assistance;
After all, when Karabakh had been under occupation of Armenians for 30 years, you were engaged in formalization of occupation by drinking wine with those Armenians. How do you rule Europe and the world with this conscience? After all, does an institution that has not tried to return 1 million Azerbaijanis to their land in 30 years have the right to talk about human rights and a humanitarian crisis? Of course not! You defend the rights of Armenians who love the scene where a skinned Azerbaijani being fed to an Armenian dog by Armenians in Karabakh. After all, you have been to Karabakh many times in 30 years. There were only Armenians there. Have you ever made a decision where are the 1 million Azerbaijanis who fled from Karabakh? Of course not. What are you doing there now?
8. Calls for a UN or OSCE fact-finding mission to the Lachin Corridor to assess the humanitarian situation on the ground;
Firstly, the Lachin Corridor is the territory of Azerbaijan. It concerns the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The Red Cross Society and Russian peacekeepers freely provide the necessary humanitarian aid from the Lachin Corridor. You should go to Armenia, which has blockaded Nakhchivan for 30 years, and ensure the opening of the Zangezur Corridor. In the Tripartite Statement of 2020 that you mentioned, Armenia took this responsibility. But it does not fulfill it, despite the fact that more than 2 years have passed. But while the Lachin Corridor is open, you make inappropriate resolutions and torment the people of Azerbaijan.
9. Calls for the urgent resumption, without preconditions, of negotiations based on the principles of the Helsinki Final Act;
Helsinki Final Act was signed by the participants of the All-European Conference on August 1, 1975. According to the Final Act, the participants of the Conference should be guided by 10 basic principles. The Republic of Azerbaijan signed this Act in 1992. I have made a point of duty to bring these 10 principles to your attention. On August 1, 1975, the participants of the All-European Conference in Helsinki signed its Final Act. According to this Final Act, the participants in the debate were to be guided by 10 basic principles:
1)Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty.
2) Refraining from the threat or use of force.
3) Inviolability of frontiers.
4) Territorial integrity of states.
5)Peaceful settlement of disputes.
6)Non-intervention in internal affairs.
7) Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.
8) Equal rights and self-determination of peoples.
9) Co-operation among States.
10) Fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law.
If you respect the 10 principles of the Helsinki Final Act, then you must recognize that Karabakh is also an internal affair of Azerbaijan, which is clearly reflected in those 10 principles, and you should refrain from making inappropriate statements. You must respect the norms of international law.
10. Urges the EU to be actively involved and ensure that the inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh are no longer held hostage by Baku’s activism, Russia’s destructive role and the Minsk Group’s inactivity:
Firstly, the residents of Karabakh you mentioned are citizens of Azerbaijan. At the meeting in Prague, the Armenian side recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Charles Michel and Macron were one of the parties to this meeting. “The residents of Karabakh” you use should either integrate into Azerbaijan and become citizens of Azerbaijan, or choose Armenia. When you say “the residents of Karabakh”, you mean only Armenians, so why don't you talk about Azerbaijanis? You have been participating in the destructive role of Russia in Europe for 30 years already. The reason for lasting of Karabakh problem is the irresponsibility of 3 members of OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, America and France. You were given a mandate to resolve the Karabakh problem, but you have been engaging in taking part of occupier for 30 years. You have maintained the status quo for the benefit of the Armenians. Azerbaijan ended the occupation in 2020.
11. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Council of Europe and the Presidents, Governments and Parliaments of Armenia and Azerbaijan:
Surprisingly, not a word was written in this resolution about Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijan for 30 years and sold its subsoil and land-based resources to Europe, America and Russia. You note that Russia invaded the territory of Ukraine and occupied Crimea and Donbas and you defend Ukraine. We also support you. But the Armenians committed the same incident in Karabakh on the territory of Azerbaijan. Why didn't you consider Armenians as occupiers for these 30 years? The Armenians did the same in Azerbaijan thing that Russia did in Ukraine and Georgia. The Azerbaijani people relate your resolutions with Christian love for the Armenians. Don't trouble yourself to send it. This resolution is necessary only for you and the Armenians who got it written by you, no one but you.
Asaf Askar