DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival 12-20 October 2017
DokuBaku IDFF announces the results of the short film competition for the first edition of the festival. Open to Azeri filmmakers living in Azerbaijan and abroad, the competition attracted more than 40 submissions from filmmakers.
Of these 40+ submissions, festival organizers have pre-selected 15 films that are going to be screened during the festival in October. Submission of a surprisingly large number of films to a beginning festival like ours shows that there is a sizable, budding community of filmmakers in Azerbaijan and that there is a demand for platforms such as DokuBaku to empower them and share their works with the society. Though relatively unexplored as a genre in the artistic scene of Azerbaijan, we are happy to note that documentaries that we have received and selected exhibit outstanding technical and artistic qualities. The selected films have been grouped into three sections titled Among Us, Searching, and Preserving Hope. Films will be judged by a group of international and local professionals. Following is the list of the films that have been selected:
Rast - Nihad Isa
Polad - Şövkət Məhərrəmova
The End - Zeynəb İsgəndərova
Preserving Hope
Sense of Freedom - Daniel Quliyev
From Grandmothers to Grandchildren - Islam Ağazadə
Dear Monika - Oktay Namazov
Behind the Hill - Ehtiram Cəbi
The Lonely Shepherd- Orxan Adıgözəlov
Everest - Masər Həsənov
Among Us
Humble Room ADO - Leyli Qafarova
Actor - Samir Hüseynov
School bus - Rüfət Kərimzadə
Hallway - İqrar Qurban
Azerbaijani survivor - Vüsalə Əlibəyli
On the Border with “Peace” - Nihad Qulamzadə
We kindly ask the authors of the selected films to respond to the email we have sent them as soon as possible. We are very grateful to everybody who contributed to our festival with their films and are looking forward to welcoming their works in the next editions of the festival.
DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival 12-20 October 2017
DokuBaku IDFF announces the results of the short film competition for the first edition of the festival. Open to Azeri filmmakers living in Azerbaijan and abroad, the competition attracted more than 40 submissions from filmmakers.
Of these 40+ submissions, festival organizers have pre-selected 15 films that are going to be screened during the festival in October. Submission of a surprisingly large number of films to a beginning festival like ours shows that there is a sizable, budding community of filmmakers in Azerbaijan and that there is a demand for platforms such as DokuBaku to empower them and share their works with the society. Though relatively unexplored as a genre in the artistic scene of Azerbaijan, we are happy to note that documentaries that we have received and selected exhibit outstanding technical and artistic qualities. The selected films have been grouped into three sections titled Among Us, Searching, and Preserving Hope. Films will be judged by a group of international and local professionals. Following is the list of the films that have been selected:
Rast - Nihad Isa
Polad - Şövkət Məhərrəmova
The End - Zeynəb İsgəndərova
Preserving Hope
Sense of Freedom - Daniel Quliyev
From Grandmothers to Grandchildren - Islam Ağazadə
Dear Monika - Oktay Namazov
Behind the Hill - Ehtiram Cəbi
The Lonely Shepherd- Orxan Adıgözəlov
Everest - Masər Həsənov
Among Us
Humble Room ADO - Leyli Qafarova
Actor - Samir Hüseynov
School bus - Rüfət Kərimzadə
Hallway - İqrar Qurban
Azerbaijani survivor - Vüsalə Əlibəyli
On the Border with “Peace” - Nihad Qulamzadə
We kindly ask the authors of the selected films to respond to the email we have sent them as soon as possible. We are very grateful to everybody who contributed to our festival with their films and are looking forward to welcoming their works in the next editions of the festival.
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